Faqs, questions and answers about the real estate profession as a property finder, hunter, what works and why take a property finder, researcher and a real estate coach to find his flat and his house in Nice French Riviera in France.
A researcher or real estate property hunter is also a real estate coach at your service !
A real property finder, unlike a real estate agency, is working exclusively for the buyer.
The property hunter works intently to sort all available properties and cater them to your needs.
He must be omnipresent on the market, be on the lookout for new products and highly reactive when an opportunity presents itself.

Hence why he is referred to as professional hunter.

But a hunter must also be a real estate coach.

Everybody is human and wants to find the perfect product, the apartment or the house of his dreams. That said, we must always make hard choices based on our budget.
A waterfront villa at the foot of a mountain will never exist.

The ideal product is property that befits your criteria and that suits your lifestyle.

Open or closed kitchen, large living room, smaller bedrooms, high-celings, or a luxury building more low-ceilinged but with a terrace of 100 m², are various choices you can make from the start.

Once we have gauged your criteria, and helped you choose the neighborhoods where you have the best chance of finding the rare pearl in your budget, we have discovered the foundation necessary for your success.
It is a result of the above facts that we consider ourselves your real estate Coach as well as hunter.

« Our Hunting may begin only when we have well defined the prey you seek. « 

Property finder service, a service really needed today !
Internet sites with paid ads, free press, specialist real estate magazines weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, newspapers and websites owners, the panels installed on buildings or properties for sale, the guardians of buildings, junk dealers, insurers, asset managers, trustees and administrators of buildings, land dealers, developers, local shops …

The list of information sources and people likely to report a new property for sale is lengthy.
An individual who is not organized, who cannot gauge the market, and who lacks knowledge of all the proponents will be unlikely to find the ideal property.

Only a professional can now have enough time and experience to complete this mission and allow his client to seize all opportunities by constantly following the market.

Who should be interested in requesting the services of an apartment hunter ?
Firstly, people who appreciate the comfort and effectiveness of a tailored service.

It is also important to note, the services of an apartment hunter is for :
All those who want to put all the chances on their side to find the property matching their expectations.
To all those who do not want to have to visit the same property twice, all persons who do not have time to visit a property that does not match their search criteria, all remote persons who are fed up of spending hours on the phone to arrange a day trip, all persons are tired of calling listings for properties already sold.

In short, the property finder service is for all people who realize that finding a property in a market of scarcity today requires having a professional at his side.

How Much Does The services of a finder really cost ?
Firstly we won’t charge you if our mission is not accomplished 100 percent.

Fees shall be paid only on the day of signing the deed with the notary.

That said, several scenarios are considered :

  • If the property is found directly by us from an individual :
    Our compensation is then 2,5 percent tax (the lower range is a classic that you pay would have cost by purchasing from a traditional agency).
  • If the property is found through an agency (or any other intermediary paid), two scenarios are possible :
    The agency agrees to share his fee with us, in this case, we share the commission that the agency had provided on the mandate of sale and it costs you nothing extra.
    The agency does not share that fee with us (in this case it’s a great matter in the hands (usually exclusively) and wants to keep his commission in full) and in this situation, you owe us 2.5 per cent in addition to the price including commission agency notary fees.

It certainly does not cost any more than if you were looking for your property alone, as the difference would likely go to the owners without our presence in negotiating the best price for you. Enacting our services therefore requires you to pay at least 5 percent of net seller and a maximum of 2.5 per cent in addition to the price of the commission agency.

Paying 2.5 per cent extra for a good bargain is not expensive.

What is an exclusive mandate to search ?
Exclusivity means that we are alone, throughout the minimum length of the contract (3 months), to seek properties on behalf of the grantor (the buyer).

Of course, during this period the purchaser agrees not to buy a property without going through our services.

This is done in a partnership that ensures the client a real commitment on our part because our interest is, of course, that the client finds the property they are looking for. If we do not succeed in our our mission, we will receive no compensation, despite the costs we incur.

Why do you work only with exclusive mandates to purchase ?
In a market of scarcity, the interesting properties are so scarce that we must be hyper-reactive, and ensure cooperation with agencies or individuals in regard possibly suitable properties.

Agencies or business contributors with very rare properties know they will sell quickly and they will encourage more buyers to acquire this property.

Their goal is to find a reliable purchaser, secure their funding, and ensure they’re unlikely to withdraw in the 7 day cooling period.
Having a rare property, with a good value for money, exclusively, they certainly do not want to have to share fees with another agency.
Our professionalism, knowledge of the budget and our client’s search criteria, as well as only being paid by the buyer without having to reduce their commission mean that estate agents prefer to deal with us.
This argument is even more accurate for well-located apartments or villas in need of renovation.
Estate agents in this case, often prefer to sell to merchants to professional investors as they can manage the work by responding quickly to the different individuals who have mastered locating sites at the lowest cost.
Our professional status ensures our equality with them in representing you, and only a research mandate allows our exchange to be exclusive.

Why can a property finder successfully negotiate real estate ?
First, to successfully negotiate, one must be in a position of strength and sometimes individuals alone can find themselves disadvantageous in property negotiations.
An individual who visits only one apartment or a villa in an area where they have not visited at least a dozen similar properties lacks the intrinsic knowledge requred to carry out negotiations.

They cannot know, moreover, if the property is offered to them at a fair price or not.
We have 12 years seniority in Nice transactions.
We know the city of Nice, the best residential areas, we have rated the least popular areas for each listed property, in addition to their qualities and defects.

We control the various costs that may incur from redecoration, renovation and upgrades required.
This mastery of the market, and technical standard allows us to have the objective evidence required for negotiations, and to find a lower price when necessary.

Conversely, as we know the market perfectly (we are in daily contact with real estate professionals) we know when we should not negotiate or bargain as a good bid is already being presented with an excellent value for money ; and attempting to further drive down the price would risk losing the property.
To this point, how many individuals regret losing an apartment or a villa by bidding too low as a result of it being one of the first properties they saw, and they had not realized its rarity.

Do you tend to propose a property on behalf of individuals or an agency ?
We do not differentiate between a real estate agency even if direct compensation would double through the use of an individual seller. Our goal is promptly, and under better conditions, find you the apartment or villa of your dreams. We usually only have 3 months to reach our goal.

We search so adeptly because we’re conscious of the difficulty of currently finding a property in Nice. Well, with good value for money.

IOf course, we follow special offers very closely (we seek prospects by mailing requests throughout the city of Nice several times a year) and it would be rare for us to offer you a property that would be seen by more than 3 different agencies.
The properties that we offer that are usually exclusively agency or co-exclusivity within them because they are scarce goods, close to the market reality.

A real hunter, a counselor, or a greedy trader ?
We work for many foreign investors and our interest in the short, and long-term is not to sell them apartments or programs that are overvalued, and which do not correspond to the projected performance and specifications set.
We would lose their confidence.

This is of course also true for an individual looking for an apartment or villa of their dreams in a region blessed by the gods.

We have no interest in concealing information about properties that are likely to become problematic, as our reputation is, of course, also involved.

In addition, we work extensively to foster good relationships as the city of Nice is like a village, we would be remiss if not always 100 per cent transparent.

And finally, as we work only exclusively, we often advise our clients not to buy certain properties if there are risks involved, and where they would benefit more with a little more time and effort on our behalf.
The exclusivity of the search is also the only way for us to remain objective, complement, and never put pressure on the buyer.

In any case, our goal is that our customers become our friends and we believe that our mission is complete only when our customers are fully satisfied with our services (often several months after the signing at the notary because we frequently visit and monitor building sites to ensure proper execution).